I have won a blog award! Thank-you to Laurie for nominating me! Check out her blog here:
It's so fun to get awards..thanks!
Especially since I am so new at this it is really nice to know someone likes what they see here! I love to see all of the creative blogs out there too so this means a lot thank-you Laurie!
Here are the things I need to do for the in award:1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.3. Link the person who nominated you for this award.4. Name seven things about yourself that people might find interesting.5. Nominate seven Kreativ Bloggers.6. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate.7. Leave comments on all seven blogs letting them know you nominated them.
Here are seven things that you may find interesting.
1. I love my creative time each day, whether it is in my work as an interior designer, Stampin'Up! demonstrator, stamping, scrapbooking or teaching art in my kids' classes at school!
2. I am a soccer mom!
3. I am a hockey mom!
4. I am a swim team mom!
5. I am a baseball mom!
6. I grew up and used to live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, but now live in Sacramento, California... love it!
7. I miss Canada too!!!!
Here are some creative blogs I would like to nominate!
1. http://lordhavemercy-mercykerin.blogspot.com/Mercy
2. http://pattystamps.typepad.com/Patty
3. http://www.aninkandasmile.blogspot.com/Angela
4. http://www.cupcakemartini.com/Krystie
5. http://treasureoilerdesignz.blogspot.com/Dawn
6. http://hedgehogsandladybirds.blogspot.com/Lucy
7. http://stampingalatte.blogspot.com/Jodi
Have fun looking at all the creativity!